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4 Top tips for enhancing your digital content writing (and gaining more clicks and conversions)

Thursday, October 17th, 2019
Written by Content Team

When it comes to establishing a successful online presence, digital content writing is everything. The quality of your content will influence your search rankings, your conversion rate and your social media traction. But what separates valuable content from the kind of filler that can damage your website filler?

We’ve compiled a list of top tips for improving your digital content writing.

How to improve your digital content writing in 4 effective ways

Tip #1 – Choose your headlines carefully

Give your piece a click-worthy headline – the right headings can make or break your content. The best headlines just need to do one thing effectively: sell a solution. Your title needs to succintly tell readers that you understand their needs and that you know how to address them. For the highest engagement rates, your headline should do this in 16-18 words. If you can include a number, a testimonial or an offer in your title, even better.

Tip #2 – Don’t overwhelm your readers

Avoid overcomplicating your content. To engage the highest number of readers, keep your digital content writing as simple as possible. Remember that the average reading age level in the UK is just 11 years old. Keep sentences short, punchy and effective and avoid using too much jargon. It can be tempting to show off with your content to convey as authoritative an image as possible. Unfortunately, if you do this, you run the risk of alienating a significant section of readers. It all depends on the users you want to target, and their average level of subject knowledge. Keep your content audience-appropriate.

Tip #3 – Incentive users to engage with your content

The most effective way to maximise the returns of your digital content writing is to reward your readers. Embed your content with added value for users in the form of useful insights and actionable tips. If you really want to earn repeat traffic and high levels of engagement, give your readers free or gated content assets like e-books and webinars.

Tip #4 – Don’t neglect SEO best practices

Don’t forget to optimise your work. If you want your content to be seen by as many people as possible, it needs to rank. Remember to implement SEO best practices as well as ensuring that your digital content is optimised from a user perspective.

Effective digital content writing is integral to generating traffic for your site and turning those clicks into conversions. It isn’t enough to consistently churn content out – it needs to be valuable, high quality and address user pains. Search engines reward authoritative and trustworthy digital content writing with higher rankings, and readers engage more expert articles.

Want content on your website that will get you ranking? Get in touch with our digital content writing specialists.