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5 Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid for Better Search Rankings

Monday, May 8th, 2023
Written by Content Team

Search engine optimization, otherwise known as SEO, is the process of optimising your website to rank higher in search engines like Google. It’s often viewed as a critical component of digital marketing, as it helps businesses get discovered by potential customers at the point they are actively looking for the products and services the business sells. However, there are several common SEO mistakes that many businesses make, which can hinder their search engine rankings. In this blog, we’ll discuss five common SEO mistakes to avoid for better search rankings.

Issue1: Targeting the Wrong Type of Keywords

One of the most common SEO mistakes businesses make is targeting the wrong type of keywords. This often happens when businesses focus solely on high-traffic keywords without considering the intent behind them. For example, a business that sells athletic shoes might target the keyword “running shoes.” However, if their website only sells basketball shoes, they’re targeting the wrong type of keyword. This mistake can lead to a high bounce rate, low engagement, and poor search engine rankings. It’s crucial to target the right type of keywords that align with your business’s products or services to attract the right audience and improve your search engine rankings.

Issue 2: Keyword Stuffing

Another common SEO mistake businesses make is keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing involves adding excessive amounts of keywords to a webpage to manipulate search engine rankings. This practice violates search engine guidelines and can result in penalties, including de-indexing from search results. To avoid keyword stuffing, focus on using keywords naturally and strategically throughout your content, instead of overloading it with irrelevant keywords.

Issue 3: Poor Internal Linking

Internal linking refers to  the practice of linking to pages that are on your own website. Good internal linking practices help improve user experience, distribute page authority, and make it easier for search engines to crawl your site. However, poor internal linking practices can lead to a poor user experience and decreased search engine rankings. Avoid overlinking, using generic anchor text, make sure any broken links fixed as soon as you find them, all while focusing on linking to relevant pages with descriptive anchor text.

Issue 4: Ignoring Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics developed by Google  that measure website performance in areas such as page load speed, interactivity, and visual stability. Google uses these metrics to determine website rankings, so it’s essential to optimise your website for Core Web Vitals. Poor website performance can lead to a poor user experience and decreased search engine rankings. To avoid this mistake, focus on optimising your website’s performance by compressing images, minimising redirects, and reducing server response time.

Issue 5: Poor Image Optimisation

Images can play a critical role in enhancing user experience and improving engagement. However, poorly optimised images can lead to slower page load times, which can negatively impact search engine rankings. To optimise your images, compress them to reduce file size, use descriptive file names and alt text, and choose the appropriate file type for each image.

In conclusion, avoiding common SEO mistakes is crucial to improving search engine rankings and driving organic traffic to your website. By targeting the right type of keywords, avoiding keyword stuffing, implementing good internal linking practices, optimising for Core Web Vitals, and optimising images, you can improve your website’s search engine rankings and provide a better user experience.